The Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. Dobbs is a psychologist and investigator who sets up her own business in England in 1929. It takes an extraordinary woman to do that. There are 17 books in the series with the next one to be released in March, 2023.
Love all these suggestions! Just discovered Dick Frances and am enthralled. Also a big fan of the Maisie Dobbs series. Will check out those mentioned in this post. Thanks so much for this series. Hope you do another soon!
I enjoy the Dr Ruth Galloway series written by Elly Griffiths. The main character is an English forensic archaeologist. Like Louise Penny wonderful characters.
The Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. Dobbs is a psychologist and investigator who sets up her own business in England in 1929. It takes an extraordinary woman to do that. There are 17 books in the series with the next one to be released in March, 2023.
Love these ones!
Love all these suggestions! Just discovered Dick Frances and am enthralled. Also a big fan of the Maisie Dobbs series. Will check out those mentioned in this post. Thanks so much for this series. Hope you do another soon!
Just a clarification. My name is Maurice Crossfield and I am the author of Borderline Truths, the sequel to The Granby Liar. Thanks for the shout out!
So sorry about that! All fixed
Thank you! And thanks again for the mention. Have a great day.
I enjoy the Dr Ruth Galloway series written by Elly Griffiths. The main character is an English forensic archaeologist. Like Louise Penny wonderful characters.
Thank you so much.
Wow! Great list of books! For reading more -check out these tips: